Statement of Operating Principles...

 1.  First, Do No Harm, to Clients or sengateCREATE.

 2. Follow sound ethical and moral principles in all work.

 3.  In work with clients, apply "best practices" of particular client, industry, or process.

 4.  Charge no "direct costs" to client -- services are provided free to them.  Founders and staff of sengateCREATE receive no salaries.

 5.  Solicit funds from other not-for-profits, foundations, and/or government programs (where applicable).

 6.  Solicit funds from "like-minded" individuals to support the work of sengateCREATE.

 7.  Solicit "consulting partnerships" and/or "pro bono" services on behalf of clients.

 8.  Provide all services in most efficient way possible:  online (SKYPE, Facetime, email, or other); in person (site review, consulting, etc.); or using other form of "face-to-face" media.

 9.  Maintain trust with all clients by using anonymity -- unless mutually released by client and sengateCREATE.

10.  Follow through on all client agreements until completed or released.

11.  Client promises to "pay it forward" helping another client in need "when and if they are able", according to their own estimation of what is fair.